And here a new release with some new features and bugfixes.
Since I upgraded to Mountain Lion I had to upgrade Xcode also, but this meant I couldn’t compile for 10.6..;( Fortunately there is a fix (copying the 10.6 SDK into the Xcode application) and I hope everything still works fine on 10.6 now – otherwise drop me a line..
New features
- New CSS Minifier included, should greatly improve CSS output after minification and fix bugs with negative values.
- JSMinify update to current version.
- New setting “laxcomma” added to JSHint.
- New feature for javascript files: “Validate on save” now runs JSHint each time you save a js-file.
Please not that due to the Coda API the file is saved anyway, regardless if there are errors or not.
- Minify on publish should now work correctly.
- Some code optimizations, removed useless stuff, improved logging output.
- PHP validate on save now always validates the whole file, regardless if you have a selection and checked “Use selection”
Problems? Just post a comment or write an email (mario at chipwreck dot de).