Other Projects

A selection of some other projects I created or contributed to:


Website, frontend and backend development for this website, showing local artists and events.
Website: kulturbeutel-duisburg.de »



Website, frontend and backend development for a conference website.
Website: kk47.de »

rottstr5.org / rottstr5-kunsthallen.de

Website, frontend and backend development for the Bochum based locations at Rottstraße 5.
Website: rottstr5.org » and rottstr5-kunsthallen.de »


Website, frontend and backend development for the BoBiennale Festival in Bochum.
Website: bobiennale.de »


Website, frontend and backend development for the Platzhirsch Festival Duisburg.
Music, culture, theatre, art, performance and much more at the Platzhirsch Festival in Duisburg.

Website: platzhirsch-duisburg.de »


The first streetwear label for human rights.
Magento installation/customization. Blog integration.
Website: tellavision-clothing.com »

tellavision clothing


Salon Software with online booking, calendar, customer management, multiple client support and so on
Website: schnittplaner.de »

Schnittplaner Homepage


Website showing the works of awarded photographer Karl Lang.
Development and Production, Front- and Backend.
Website: langfoto.de »

Homepage langfoto.de

yourstylerocks.com (2010)

A D.I.Y. fashion community.
Development and Production, Front- and Backend.
Website: yourstylerocks.com »

Yourstylerocks homepage

schnittwerk.info (2007-2014)

Web development and production.
Online-Calender (click screenshots), checkout system (with touchscreen support, barcode reader support, card payment), customer database, CRM tool, backend programming.
Website: Friseur in Duisburg: schnittwerk.info »


bits2die4 (2006)

Production (HTML, CSS), payment integration for the webshop.
Website: b2d4.com »

bits 2 die 4

cdb á düsseldorf (2006)

Production (HTML, CSS), database, backend programming.
Website: commanderiedebordeaux.de »

Commanderie de Bordeaux


Mathematics-plugin for eclipse, programming.
Project page: sourceforge.net »