Maybe Windows 7 with IE 8 will be able to render so-called “fonts”, which are used to display something we call “text”. In the between time you can use Safari.

Click on the image to see what I mean.

Safari vs. IE

But not many people use those “fonts” anyway.

Google website search

Just included the Google website search – a bit annoying are the limited possibilities of customization, but otherwise quite google: Easy to setup, simply works. So hopefully they offer soon more options to customize the look, but even now I got it quite seamlessly included in my strange “layout”. Except that I’ve no idea how it might look in Internet Explorer. Maybe one day I’ll try that out, who knows..

Coda PHP-Plugin: Update, 0.96

A new version of the PHP-Plugin for Coda can be downloaded here:

Most important: The previous version had problems when the file was not UTF8-encoded. This version handles such errors better.

At the moment there’s no way in the Coda-API to find out the encoding of the open file. I posted a feature request to the panic guys, but of course I’ve no idea when the Coda Plugin-API will be updated..

And there’s an about box in which the current version of the plugin is shown.

WordPress Theme updated

The used wordpress theme was updated. You may download a zip-file with the theme files here ».

It’s enabled for widgets, the navigation can be customized and it has an own options page for setting links and some options. You can also customize the keywords and author.

The CSS is quite Safari and Firefox specific, no idea how it looks in Internet Explorer. Probably ugly like everything else.

Use with wordpress 2.7 or higher, no guarantees of course.