Wikipedia beim Japaner

Japanisches Restaurant in Düsseldorf – schöne Erklärungen von Wikipedia auf der Wandtafel, sogar die “[Bearbeiten]”-Links wurden 1:1 kopiert.
Seen in a japanese restaurant in Düsseldorf – good explanations from Wikipedia on the wallboard, even the links for editing content (“Bearbeiten” in German) were copied.

Wikipedia on the wall

Fast user switching via commandline

This is quite an undocumented feature, here is how it works:

Show login screen (without logging out):

# Show the login screen (without logging out)
# From:

/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu\ Extras/ -suspend

Switch current user (replace 501 with the correct UID):

# Switch to another user without logging out - replace 501 with the uid of the user you switch to
# From:

/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu\ Extras/ -switchToUserID 501

Finder / Toggle visibility of hidden files

Via Shell this way:

# Toggle Finder showing hidden files
# From:

value=`defaults read AppleShowAllFiles`
if [ $value == "TRUE" ]
  defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE
  defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
killall Finder
exit 0

System wide key remapping

When editing text or code it is quite often very useful to jump to the beginning or the end of a line, or to move the cursor one page up or down..
Unfortunately the keys dedicated to this task (home/end/pageup/pagedown on a windows-pc) have got a different meaning on a mac: Page up/down scroll one page up/down – without moving the caret (cursor), home/end move to the beginning/end of a document – also without moving the insertion point.

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